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Life event: Financial assistance to eligible carers

There may come a time in your life when you provide care and support to a family member, friend or neighbour. In this article, we discuss the Government’s financial assistance to eligible carers.

Considering a sea/tree change in retirement?

Nearing or in retirement, for one reason or another, some of us can start to give thought towards a sea/tree change. In this article, we discuss relevant considerations before taking the dive.

Life event: Helpful tips to save for a home deposit

For first homebuyers especially, saving for a home deposit can often take a considerable amount of time and effort. In this article, we offer some helpful tips.

Life event: Future insurability benefit

There are often times in our lives when we need to review our personal insurances and make changes to ensure that they continue to meet our needs. Here, we discuss the Future Insurability Benefit in relation to personal events. 

Life event: Claims process for personal insurance

Making a claiming on your personal insurances at a time that is both financially and emotionally stressful it can be a daunting process. We help you better understand what may be involved by taking a look at the steps commonly associated with making a claim.

Checklist: Preparing for tax time the easy way

With tax time fast approaching, it’s a good time to start getting all the documents and records you will need to be able to lodge your tax return. Our handy tax-time checklist will help make the process simpler, and ensure you have everything you need.

Checklist: Refinancing your home

If you are looking at re-financing your mortgage or investment loan on your property it pays to shop around and do your maths. While you might find a lower interest rate loan, sometimes a lower interest rate is made up for in fees and charges. 

What you need to know when claiming on insurance in the event of a natural disaster

When a natural disaster strikes, the damage or loss to personal property can be financially and emotionally devastating.

Midlife crisis: Myth or reality?

Is a mid-life crisis just a cliché? Most of us think of a midlife crisis in terms of a sports cars, changing careers or relationships. In this article, we explore the concept of the ‘mid-life’ crisis and how it impacts both men and women differently.

Is it your animal that is making it hard to meet your goals?

Your money personality has a strong influence on your behaviour and relationships with money. In fact it could be the very thing that is making it hard for you to meet your financial goals. 

Checklist: Preparing to sell your home checklist

Thinking about selling a property? You can use our ‘Preparing To Sell Your Home Checklist’ to help you understand the process and prepare for a successful sale.

The things we consider when advising on super

When comparing or consolidating super funds, often the focus may be on reducing fees. Whilst lower fees can make sense, there are plenty of other things we need to check before recommending a switch of super fund.

Stress test your financial situation

Changes to your personal and financial situation, that aren’t planned for, can derail your financial position and leave you struggling. Our stress test checklist helps you to identify those important areas that you may have overlooked!

Keeping control of your credit

Your credit report is a very important asset and one which you should review and update regularly. Make sure you have your credit under control with our handy checklist.

Life event: Entering aged care

According to the Government’s trends in Aged Care services report of those who reach age 65, approximately 40% will go into permanent residential care later in their lives. Accordingly, it’s likely each of us will need to make decisions in relation to Aged Care for ourselves, parents or other relatives.

How to find lost super

As at 30 June 2016, there were roughly six million lost and ATO-held superannuation accounts with a total value of roughly $16 billion. This checklist explains what lost super is and how you can go about finding and claiming what is yours.


Dealing with unemployment

Many people will experience unemployment themselves, or see a friend, family member or colleague lose their job. In this article we look at 13 tips to help people bounce back from losing their job.

Staying financially well during holiday season

The holiday season can be a fun time spent with friends and family, gifts, celebrations and sometimes a little overindulgence in food and drink. The holidays aren't so bright however when finances are tight leading to unwelcome stress. Here are a few tips that can help you stay financially well this holiday season:

Life event: Buying a home

So many emotions come along with the thought of buying your first home or even just a new home. It can take a lot of thought, time, planning and budgeting. Here are some helpful tips and tools to help you on your way.

Life event: Dealing with divorce

This article is designed to help guide those in this situation to obtain financial independence. We’ve provided eight ways to help those facing divorce to adjust and get back on their feet.

Life event: Receiving an inheritance

There is a concept regarding wealth creation and preservation called “the rule of three’s”. This rule is based on the concept that within a family tree one generation builds the wealth, the next generation enjoys the wealth and the third generation destroys the wealth.

Life event: Retirement

Most of us, if not all of us, value independence. It’s no wonder maintaining it for as long as possible into one’s retirement years is highly sought.


Life event: Getting married

Thinking of getting married? Already Engaged? Do you know someone that is? Here are some tips and tools to help start saving for the big day, and a bunch of other things to help you live happily ever after, financially and otherwise.

New years financial resolutions

It may be too much of a mountain to review your total financial situation, but even if you just review a few things it's better than doing nothing at all. Our challenge to you is to tackle at least two of the areas we suggest to review.

Working out what you know and do not know

Did you know males typically think they know more than they actually do when compared to females?

Having a baby checklist

A useful checklist to help get your financial affairs in order when expecting a new arrival, as well as a few other useful tips.

Will checklist

This checklist is great to refer to if you are preparing a Will or reviewing a current Will.

Where is your super invested?

You should have received your Super statement or statements by now. Where is your super invested? What can you do about it?

Who is the nominated beneficiary of your super fund?

Have you looked at who your nominated beneficiary for your super fund is lately?

Who is the Nominated Beneficiary of your Super Fund?

Have you looked at who your nominated beneficiary for your super fund is lately?

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